Online registration for Small Groups will be from Sunday, August 25 – Tuesday, September 10.

Each new group will remain online until the group fills or until registration closes.

Group leaders will receive an email every time a new group member joins your group. The email will include the new group member’s name and a link to see the complete current roster for your group along with all members’ contact information.

Utilize the following communication plan: (at a minimum, there are three points of communication you should have with your group).

  1. First Email – Welcome (Send within 48 hours of a new group member joining your group)
  2. Second Email – Get to know each other (Send to entire group one week before your Group Launch date)
  3. Third Email – Group Launch Logistics (Send two days before your Group Launch date)

Use the templates below or download a PDF version here:


Email Template 1

*Send within 48 hours of a new member joining your group

Subject: Welcome to our group!


Welcome to our Small Group! We’re excited to get to know you over the next few months. We’ll be learning, eating, and (hopefully) laughing together. Though we’ll meet in person soon, we’d love to start getting acquainted via email. Over the next week or so we will have the chance to get acquainted before our first meeting.

Our first meeting will be on (insert date from Group Launch schedule) at Brazos Fellowship.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me anytime! Here is a little information about me:

(Leaders, share a little about yourself here)

Email Template 2

*Send to the entire group one week before your Group Launch date.

Subject: Our First Group Meeting


I wanted to send a quick note to everybody and welcome a few other folks to our group. We hope group will be a place where we can experience authentic community and spiritual growth, and we’ll talk more about that next week!

We’ll meet each other for the first time next week at Group Launch! You’ll receive all the logistical details in an email from the church. This first meeting is a great way for us to connect and get ready for our first study together.

In the meantime, If you would, introduce yourself to the rest of the group? Would you “reply all” so we can learn a little bit about you?

Leaders, put your info here:

Name: John Smith

My family: My sister, mom, and dad live in Dallas. I now live in College Station with my wife and four kids.

I live near: College Station High School

I’m from: I have always lived in Texas but moved from North Texas to CStat five years ago.

This fall I’m looking forward to: Our son starting kindergarten, cooler weather, and Aggie football

Email Template 3

*Send to the entire group two days before your Group Launch night.

Subject: Logistics for Our First Group Meeting

Hey Group Members,

Typically our group will meet  (insert your place/time for future meetings). However, for our first group meeting we will be at Brazos Fellowship on (insert your launch night). I’m looking forward to meeting everyone at our first group meeting!

A Few Things To Know

  • Doors will open at 6:15 p.m. I’ll meet you at our designated table. Our table number is (insert the table number we send to you)
  • Coffee and light hors d’oeuvres will be served.
  • There won’t be childcare at the event, but there is help with your babysitting costs. Learn more.
  • If you can’t make it to our launch night on (insert your launch night), please let me know before that night so I can hold your spot in the group.

Looking forward to a great first meeting!